When there were far fewer people around, far fewer laws and regulations, when the legal speed limit was 75 mph, when gas was cheap, when driving was a pleasure, if you owned a hot machine you could point the grill down an empty road and go!

Flat Out Press Catalog

Hot Rod History Books by Albert Drake available through Flat Out Press

Fiction by Albert Drake available through Flat Out Press

Also available, reproduction Timing Tags

Mail orders to:
Flat Out Press #WEB
4316 SE Alder
Portland, OR 97215

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Peter Sukalac: Photo Journalist $24.95
Reflections in a Spinner Hubcap $29
Brotherhood of Speed $35
Out of print! 
Riding Bike in the Fifties $19.95
Overtures to Motion $19.95
One Summer $8.95
Tillamook Burn $9.95
Beyond the Pavement $12.95
Jacket & Plaque $24.95
Northwest Oldtimers $24 (postage included)
Portland Pictorial $24 (postage included)
Fifties Flashback $19.95
Flat Out $29.95 Out of print!
Hot Rodder! From Lakes to Street $16.95
The Big 'Little GTO' Book Out of print!
Herding Goats $14.50
Street Was Fun in '51 $6.95
A 1950s Rod & Custom Builder's Wish Book $9.95
Reproduction Roadster Racing Association of Oregon Timing Tag $10
Reproduction CTA Timing Tag $10
Reproduction Russetta Timing Tag $10

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